Gerardo Gorodischer
@gerardo-gorodischer Activo hace 9 años, 8 mesesPerfil de usuario
Nombre y Apellido | Gerardo Gorodischer |
Job Title / Cargo | VP Gerente General y Country Manager en Avnet Chile y Argentina |
Company / Empresa | Avnet Technology |
I accept the terms and conditions./ Acepto los términos y condiciones (leer) | yes |
Cargo | VP Gerente General y Country Manager en Avnet Chile y Argentina |
Resumen Biografía/Extracto Profesional | With 25 years in the IT industry in Chilean, specializing itself in the administration of companies of distribution and solutions been in Charge as a General Manager since 1996 in 3 different companies , in the last 10 years it has corresponded itself to develop functions in different countries as Brazil (2 years), Mexico , Peru, Argentine, has corresponded to me to lead over 7 processes of creation of companies including Bellmicro Chile in 1999, I have formed great team, which are outlined for his commitment, delivery, professionalism and responsibility always orientated to the attainment of results and to the fulfillment of the objectives. I have a high independence and great proactive which has allowed me to learn how to manage companies with limited resources, maximizing his profitability and increasing the income. I possess a great credibility in the industry besides being recognized as one of the icons of the industry in Chile. |
Empresa | Avnet Technology Solutions |
Perfil Linkedin | |
Busca socios estratégicos/Distribuidor/Seeking strategic partnership |