Francisco Wilson
@franciscowilson Activo hace 6 años, 6 mesesPerfil de usuario
Nombre y Apellido | Francisco Wilson |
Job Title / Cargo | Director Comercial |
Company / Empresa | SESA & Asociados |
I accept the terms and conditions./ Acepto los términos y condiciones (leer) | yes |
Cargo | Director Comercial |
Resumen Biografía/Extracto Profesional | Senior Executive ● Business Innovation ● Business Development ● Sales and Marketing ● Channels ● Entrepreneur As a whole he has a wide professional experience in diverse kind and size of businesses and its innovation through new technologies, as well as in tools for management of them. Has an creative business vision and strategic thinking designed from a perspective of the optimization and innovation. His career path has been carried out as Executive Manager with different responsibilities mainly in leader international companies of high technology and also for some financial organizations. Also has taken the role as Consultant, Business Advisor and Entrepreneur. Has gained a lot of expertise in Businesses Development in countries of Latino American working inside of its own cultures and has a proven track record in sales, business consulting, advisory, consultative sale, sale of services and software licenses, as also the creating and deploying of comprehensive and compelling marketing campaigns with success in sales. Worked in the businesses development, sales and marketing for three companies in LATAM: a mobile services company with headquarter in Miami; an ecommerce startup with base in Brazil and Colombia; and 2 years in Perú as Country Manager of a SAP business partner. Before of that, during almost the whole decade of 90’s worked for Microsoft and had the opportunity to contribute in the development of the Chilean subsidiary since its opening where taken different responsibilities at management level, such as: sales to large account, Windows evangelizer, Marketing, PR, channels development, Anti-Piracy and business development. All this know-how and expertise at the field plus a creative vision has allowed that in most of the initiatives developed has achieved results successfully beyond what was expected. Today, his knowledge about of the information technology and its evolution, the Internet and IoT, the Mobile business, Social Media, the Cloud Computing era, Big Data management, the development of Artificial Intelligence in business (machine learning) and the convergence of all them, key drivers to move on Digital Transformation, plus his creativity, passion and focus on disruptive innovation will contribute with success to the new challenges and results of any company. Principles and ethical values, a life healthy, a lot of positive energy, self-motivation, talent and skills, entrepreneurial spirit and teamwork give value to all above described. |
Empresa | SESA Asociados |
Perfil Linkedin | |
@franwv @sesayasociados |
Busca socios estratégicos/Distribuidor/Seeking strategic partnership | USA, ESPAÑA, Bolivia, Brasil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, México, Panamá, Paraguay, Perú, República Dominicana, Uruguay |